Michael Chekhov Europe


"As Michael Chekhov’s pupil, I learned more than acting... Every time he spoke, the world seemed to become bigger and more exciting... Acting became an art that increased your life and mind."

Marilyn Monroe


MCE offers workshops in Germany, Croatia, Denmark, Finland, Belgium, the Netherlands, Austria, Switzerland, Italy, United Kingdom, Ireland, Spain, Portugal, North-Macedonia, Lebanon, Turkey, Russia, Armenia, and Israel. We also work in East Asia and Latin America, in collaboration with studios in Japan, Taiwan, Singapore, and Uruguay. Working language is English. On stage, participants may act in their own language.


Michael Chekhov Europe Training

Our educational programme Michael Chekhov Europe Training covers the whole Chekhov Technique in six modules and one individual project. The full programme can be achieved within two years. It is possible to enter at any module.

Module 1: Making Contact: Living Images: Body – Imagination – Emotion
Module 2: The Moving Space: Atmosphere – Creative Individuality – Play
Module 3: Psychological Gesture: The Spine of the Character: Objectives – Qualities – Archetypes
Module 4: ‘Me’ is The Other: Transforming into the Character: Imaginary centres – Imaginary body
Module 5: Communion with the Audience: Giving – Receiving – Sharing
Module 6: The Architecture of Performance: Improvisation – Composition – Style
Project: What I have to say! Applying the technique in your own artistic working field

The Training Programme has been created by MCE founding members Ulrich Meyer-Horsch, Suzana Nikolic, and Jesper Michelsen. It is taught by a faculty of 25 teachers from different countries (see below).

Download Programme:  michaelchekhovtraining
Further information:  Michael Chekhov Europe Training
Our studio in Zagreb:  www.studiochekhov.hr
Our school in Hamburg:  www.sfsh.de/chekhov-international



Michael Chekhov Europe Training


Workshops 2025


The Architecture of Performance
Hamburg, Germany, January 30 - February 2, 2025

Improvisation as Art is the core of the creative process. It includes curiosity to take risks, to open up for the unknown and surprising as well as the skill to shape the given material - may it be text, movement, music or space. Creating and rehearsing a play, choreography or a musical score, needs a strong sense for Rhythm and Tempo. This is where Composition comes into play. The Feeling for Composition creates contours and gives the expression of ideas, dialogues, movements, shapes and colors a deeper meaning and visible form.
In this workshop, we will explore the structure and composition of Aeschylus' play "Agamemnon", through physical action on the floor. We will look at different styles of performance, like tragedy, comedy, drama, clowning, and mask play.

• MCE Training module 6
• Faculty: Elsa Valentim, Suzana Nikolic, Ulrich Meyer-Horsch
• Costs: 480,-- € (regular) / 440,-- € (early bird before Dec.31)
Workshop details
• Contact: chekhov@sfsh.de
February 3, we offer an additional Teachers Training for experienced acting teachers. Please contact chekhov@sfsh.de for further information!



The Moving Space
Atmosphere and Playfulness
Warsaw, Poland, March 15-18, 2025

This module explores the space and the world of Eugène Ionesco's play "The Bald Soprano". What happens when we dive into the writer's world and allow ourselves to be surprised by its specific dynamics, energy, language and space? Topics: Movement in Space - Objective Atmosphere - Spatial Relationship - Personal Atmosphere - Feeling Ease, Form, Beauty and the Whole - Organic breathing - Playfulness.

• MCE Training module 2
• Faculty: Grzegorz Labuda, Jakub Margosiak, Ulrich Meyer-Horsch
• Costs: 480,-- € / PLN 1600 // early bird: 440,-- € / PLN 1400
Workshop details
• Contact: mcactinglab@gmail.com and chekhov@sfsh.de



Psychological Gesture: The Character's Spine
Istanbul, Turkey, April 2025

The Psychological Gesture is probably the most famous tool of Michael Chekhov's acting technique. It is a psycho-physical movement that awakens the actor's inner life. A key to the essential features of the character, it enables the actor to express and embody his/her objectives.
In the workshop, we will explore the natural flow of movement and breath and how it creates bold characters through gesture and archetypes. Stirring our will power, the Psychological Gesture gives the will a definite direction, awakens feelings, and evokes a condensed version of the character and his/her relationships.

• MCE Training module 3
• Faculty: Ulrich Meyer-Horsch, N.N.
• Contact:  gulhan@altidansonra.com and  chekhov@sfsh.de



Psychological Gesture / Communion with the Audience
Osaka & Tokyo, Japan, May 2-14, 2025

• MCE Training modules 3 and 5
• with Suzana Nikolic
• hosted by Michael Chekhov Tokyo,  tomofumi.akie@gmail.com



Acting from your Imagination
Introduction to the Michael Chekhov Technique
Cairo, Egypt, May 2025

The moving body in the performance space creates endless images. They are our basic working material when we begin creating a character. In this workshop we will explore how we call up images from our imagination and use them to develop bold characters. We will learn how we can embody these images in our creative work, and how they affect the emotional life of the character.

• with Ulrich Meyer-Horsch
• hosted by Gehad Hossam El Din & Company
• Further information:  gehad.hossam@gmail.com and  chekhov@sfsh.de



'Me' is the Other
Hamburg, Germany, July 20-26, 2025

• Michael Chekhov Technique
• Physical Theatre o Mask Theatre (Neutral, Character, Commedia, Bali)
• Traditional Asian Dance and Theatre
• Intercultural Performance in South-East Asia, East Africa, Mexico and Europe

This annual intercultural encounter brings performance and training approaches from different backgrounds and continents into a practical exchange. You will intensively study the Michael Chekhov Acting Technique, and at the same time you will be in dialogue with other artistic traditions and performance techniques from around the globe. The Summer Academy will open new perspectives on Acting, Movement, Characterization, Relationships, Style, Body & Space.
There will be different workshop tracks in the morning and afternoon, followed by showcases, events and open classes in the evening. The daily training sessions can be combined so you will get a sense of each of the offered forms.

• Including MCE Training module 4: 'Me' is the Other: Transformation into Character
• Faculty: Beto Ruiz Lopez, Jesper Michelsen, Suzana Nikolic, Ulrich Meyer-Horsch, and others
• Costs: 650,-- € (regular) / 590,-- € (early bird)
• Further details:  www.sfsh.de/chekhov-international and  chekhov@sfsh.de



Communion with the Audience
Hamburg, Germany, October 2-5, 2025

Whatever we create on stage, we are creating not for ourselves but for others: for the audience. We want to give. "What is it that we in the theatre give? Instead of images on canvas or in the form of statuary or music, we give our body, voice, feelings, will, imagination - we give a form of pulsating art to life itself." (M.Chekhov)
When developing a production or a piece - what are your intentions and aims? What are the questions of your audience? What do you have to give to them? Do you enjoy giving? Are you generous?

• MCE Training module 5
• Faculty to be announced
• Costs: 440,-- € (early bird) / 480,-- € (regular)
• Further information:  www.sfsh.de/chekhov-international and  chekhov@sfsh.de


More workshops and collaborations are planned in: Zagreb (Croatia); Yerevan (Armenia); Skopje (North Macedonia); Hyderabad (India); Shanghai (China); and others. - details to be announced.

International faculty and guest teachers:
Suzana Nikolic (Croatia), Ulrich Meyer-Horsch (Germany), Jesper Michelsen (Denmark), David Zinder (Israel), Jobst Langhans (Germany), Asa Salvesen (Finland), Lenard Petit (USA), Sol Garre (Spain), Olivia Rüdinger (Germany/USA), Joanna Merlin (USA), Ted Pugh (USA), Burcu Halacoglu (Turkey), Imer Özgün Bademci (Turkey), Slagana Vujosevik (North Macedonia), Grzegorz Labuda (Poland), Jakub Margosiak (Poland), Sarah Kane (UK), Marjolein Baars (Netherlands), Jessica Cerullo (USA), Hugh O'Gorman (USA), Jan Oberndorff (Germany), Craig Mathers (USA), Anne Gottlieb (USA), Cynthia Ashperger (Canada), Dawn Arnold (USA), Tarja Nyberg (Finland), Elsa Valentim (Portugal)

The complete Training Programme is also taught at: Schule für Schauspiel Hamburg (Germany); StudioChekhov Croatia (Zagreb); Kumbaraci50 Tiyatro Istanbul (Turkey); and Yeditepe University Istanbul (Turkey).

© Michael Chekhov Europe